Capella Beatae Mariae ad Lacum (CBM Choir)

The history of the choir Capella Beatae Mariae ad Lacum dates back to 1971, with the founding of a children’s choir by E.H. Evrard Vander Velpen, mainly to enhance the celebrations in the parish of Our Lady of Ten Poel. Slowly but surely, CBM grew into a true choir family that, at its peak, had more than 200 choristers in various choirs. Over the years, the choir achieved great results in various national and international competitions and reaped numerous successes during many concerts and festivals at home and abroad. CBM has had the privilege of working with several highly skilled and dedicated conductors, including Kurt Bikkembergs, Dieter Staelens, Luc Anthonis, Tineke Verlooy, and Koen Vits. Since 2021, the Capella has been led by Rachel Perfecto.