Konstantin Reymaier

Konstantin Reymaier was born in 1967. He studied organ at the University of Music and theology at the University of Vienna. After his graduation he was Organist at Little St. Mary’s Cambridge (1994-1997) and Director of Music at Mansfield College Oxford (1997-2011). In 2001 he was appointed visiting professor for or-gan and improvisation at the University of Arts in Graz. 2005 he entered the seminary for the Archdiocese of Vienna and and was ordained priest in 2009. Form 2010 to 2022 he was Diocesan Di-rector of Music of the Archdiocese of Vienna. Since 2016 he ser-ves as Cathedral Organist at St. Stephen’s, Vienna.

Regularly he is asked to give masterclasses and lectures on church music. He advises on matters of organ building, both on the construction of new instruments and the restoration of historic ones. Through this work he managed to bring significant new in-puts to the organ culture of Vienna. The largest and internationally most renowned project was the rebuilding of the organ at St. Ste-phens Cathedral, which was finished in 2020.

Konstantin Reymaier pursues an international career as recitalist and has played in countries like Belgium, France, Germany, Isra-el, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA. He was invited to festivals like Styriarte, Salzburger Festspiele, NDR-Musiksommer and many more. Regularly he broadcasts with the Austrian Radio and Television (ORF), Radio-Klassik-Stephansdom and other companies like ZDF. He recorded for Priory Records, Edition Lade and Deutsche Grammophon.